How does the draw sale work?
Almost 60 pieces of art from 18 artists will have posted prices. Artwork will be posted on our website as we get closer to the event. If you are interested in purchasing one of these pieces of art then you will enter your “name in a hat” to express your interest (your name is a ballot and the hat is actually a box). At 6:00 p.m. EDT at the NY Event we will draw the winning name for each piece of artwork.
You will purchase a Ballot Set on for $50, which will give you access to a survey form to collect your information. In the survey, you will express interest for any artwork you wish to (potentially) purchase. You can choose multiple pieces of artwork to be included in multiple drawings. Purchase of a Ballot Set and participation in the survey collection initiates a legally binding agreement to purchase the artwork you (potentially) win. You will indicate your priority of preference in the survey in the event you win multiple drawings. The survey will also allow you to list your maximum budget for the artwork (in the event you win multiple drawings but only want to spend a set amount). Online Ballot Set purchases will stop on September 7th to allow time for all ballots to be physically created and added to the drawing boxes at the event.
At approximately 6:00 p.m., EDT the process of randomly drawing ballots for artworks will begin. Up to three names will be drawn for each artwork and posted in the order they were drawn. If the person whose name is drawn first is present, they will have 10 minutes to accept or decline to purchase the artwork. FAR WEST staff will be acting as proxies for absentee participants. If declined, the option to purchase will pass to the next name drawn. This process will repeat if necessary.
**If you participate in the sale and win then you are expected to complete the sale. Once a winning buyer is declared, the artwork is considered sold, and all sales are final.
How do I pay?
You will be notified within 24 hours of the draw if you have won the right to purchase an artwork. All invoices up to $5,000 will require payment in full at the time you accept your win via credit card, Zelle or PayPal. For invoices over $5,000, you will be asked to authorize your credit card on file for the purchase price, or a 10% deposit if you prefer to pay by check. Payment by ACH transfer is also available. Full credit card and PayPal payments will incur a 3% fee to defray the fees charged to us.
How do I get my artwork?
No artwork may be picked up during the event. After invoices have been paid, shipping will be arranged with FAR WEST staff from Arizona
Thank you for participating in The FAR WEST Show!